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Yarrow, “The Master of Blood”

Yarrow is well-known as the ‘master of the blood.’ Yarrow is noted for clotting, unclotting, and neurovascular by regulating the flow of blood to and from the surface of the body. Yarrow helps with containing lacerations, bruises, active hemorrhaging, and old, hardened bruises, and it helps reduce fevers, or fever and chill cycles. Yarrow regulates heat and congestion in the digestive tract, portal vein, liver, and abdominal viscera and balances uterine congestion because of excessive or lack of bleeding.

Yarrow can be used to stop hemorrhaging. Yarrow stops bleeding by building large quickly formed clots. No matter how dirty or contaminated conditions are, Yarrow’s antiseptic properties are strong enough to prevent infection. Yarrow relieves joint soreness and stiffness caused by gout. Use Yarrow for skin eruptions like chicken pox or small pox. It helps to heal sores, dry up pus and fight infection.

Yarrow is used for fever, common cold, hay fever, absence of menstruation, dysentery, diarrhea, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal (GI) tract discomfort, and to induce sweating. Yarrow increases secretion in the digestion tract and decongests the internal organs by bringing blood to the surface. Blood at the surface improves circulation and increases saliva and stomach acid which helps improve digestion. Yarrow is used for bloating, intestinal gas (flatulence), mild gastrointestinal (GI) cramping, and other GI complaints. It is great for upset stomach and intestinal issues.

Take Yarrow as soon as symptoms of cold and flu begin to appear. This helps to prevent, shorten or lesson the severity of the symptoms. Yarrow is good for sore throats, the chills, constant nasal drip, congestion or mucous. Yarrow is also a fever reducer during illnesses. It allows the pores to open up and induce sweating, the sweating essentially helps to break a fever. Yarrow is a powerful virus inhibitor. Treat early and treat often.

Of course, Yarrow has pain relieving qualities which help alleviate menstrual cramps. It is great for the reproductive system as it balances women’s monthly cycles by bringing the blood to the surface and curtailing the blood when excessive. Yarrow is used for female yeast infections. Yarrow has been labeled as a “women’s herb.”

Yarrow strengthens blood circulation and improves blood flow. It is known to dilate the capillaries, which in turn increases circulation. Healthy blood circulation is essential to maintaining the overall health of the body. Varicose veins are a common complaint caused by poor circulation. Yarrow is an excellent herb to prevent or treat this uncomfortable condition by dispersing blood congestion and toning the walls of the veins with its astringent properties. This also makes it helpful for more serious complaints such as atherosclerosis.

Some people chew the fresh leaves to relieve toothache.

Contraindication: If you are allergic to plants in the aster family (chrysanthemums, daisies, and ragweed), you may be allergic to yarrow, either taken by mouth or applied to the skin.

Yarrow may make your skin more sensitive to sunlight.

Pregnant women should not take yarrow. Its ability to relax the smooth muscle of the uterus could cause miscarriage.​

Suggested Dosage: 1-2 dropperfuls 2-3 times a day.

This information is to be used for educational purposes only and has been solely based on the historic and traditional use of herbs. This information has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Part of KuKista’s roots come from an original group informally interested in knowing more about the healing properties of medicinal plants. Initially, a collective effort to compile information to share with each other was started without regards to sources or references. KuKista recognizes all information on our website to be “shared” information without the intention of plagiarism, acknowledgement to original authors and sources or copyright infringements. We have made a conscious effort to give credit where credit is due, and will be happy to reference, change or remove any particular source information.

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